Thursday, November 01, 2012

Migration towards a markdown + Dropbox based system

I am testing a new blogging system purely based on Markdown and Dropbox. The inability of Blogger to correctly show many items (the most important of them is the code snippets that I include in my tips) that I try to include in these pages has worn me out.

In this system, I just write my articles in Markdown based pure text and put them on a dedicated folder in my Dropbox. The blogging engine fetches them and converts them to HTML to show them on the web.

The engine that I am testing currently is ( but there are other alternatives like Calepin - that already had some viability problems) and my new blog lives at this address:  where you can find some of the articles that have been published here, and new articles that will only published there.

I do not know if will be able to survive or not (I hope that it will, since it is very nice), but I consider that Markdown is here to stay and this simple system of automatic conversion of markdown files to HTML, to be published on the web, will persist in some for or another. At worst, I will be able to include a blog section on my web site, using a homemade conversion based on multimarkdown or pandoc.

1 comment:

yildi said...

Not really convinced yet by the perennity of this new platform. So, I continue to use Blogger.